This guidance describes a technique for how to think more creatively about annual planning goals.

We've spent some time talking about the importance of goals. It's funny how many people don't want to have to set goals, yet seem to expect all kinds of publicly visible people/organizations/institutions to do just that. We expect our governments to live within their means, which requires goals and planning. We expect our teams to win, which surely they would not do if they weren't setting goals of winning. And we expect our companies to meet their budgets, and perform as they say they will. All these things take goals.

How can we ask not to be held accountable for achieving goals while simultaneously expecting the institution we work in to have enough cash available to pay us when they say they will? [Paying on time is a goal someone in finance or cash management has to plan for, right?] The answer is we can't, if we want to be a professional part of our organization.

BUT! Many of you say, it's harder than it seems. How can I set a goal that's bigger than what I'm already doing, when this year was so hard? How can I find more revenue when I barely made it this year? How can I cut costs when I feel like I'm down to the bone? How can I process more loan requests when I got lucky last year? How can I inspect more parts when I felt quality was stretched last year?

There are several ways to think about this, but here's a creative way to think about stretching your goals.

This Cast Answers These Questions

  • What is assumptive goal setting?
  • How do I do even more next year, even when this year was hard?
  • How can I get more done with less?

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