
Matthew Dicks and Dan Kennedy

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This review was submitted by jmarkey77.

  • Premise: There is an art to telling stories and these are the rules to that art. This art should be used in conversation, at the office, on stage, and anytime you want to engage your audience.
  • My thoughts: If you do presentations in any form, present data, tell a story, spend time with friends then this book is worth reading. Most of us, myself included have been taught to tell stories like writing a paper, Storyworthy clearly says not to do that. Think of telling a story like the movie version of a book, edits have to be made for the emotional experience to translate. Otherwise everyone is just bored and waiting to move on.
  • Some insights from the book:
    • Stories must reflect change over time.
    • A story must share my struggle in some form or fashion to be relatable.
    • A great story is about a 5 second moment in someone's life.
    • We are the sum of our experiences, the culmination of everything that has come before.
    • The longer you speak, the more perfect and precise you must be. The longer you stand in front of an audience — whether it be a theater or a boardroom — the more entertaining and engaging your words must be. So speak less. Make time your ally.
    • Contrast is king in storytelling.