
I have not been a member of this site for very long, I have been listening to the podcasts, however, for quite some time.
I manage a sales team. I have been in management for a very long time, and most of it managing sales teams. My track record is very good, so things always seem to be going in the right direction.
After listening to so many of these casts, I have discovered that I have A LOT OF ROOM FOR GROWTH. Which is great. The problem I have implementing some of these tools is that my days seem to always be all over the map.
Would all of you agree managing a sales team is very different from managing a more structured group like the IT teams that are referenced a lot.
I have been doing a form of one on ones for a long time, not quite as structured as the model in this forum. I really like this model much better. Generally one on ones seem to be done on the fly.
Does anyone else out there manage a sales team, and if so, do you have some suggestions for getting a more structured environment without killing the energy or momentum?

drinkcoffee's picture

Essentia Solutions has a decent podcast about managing sales teams in particular:

Though not as good as MT in my opinion (nor as prolific), they seem to have the same mentality -- solid, practical advice that works.

Dani Martin's picture
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Although I don't work for a sales organization, I am with a non-profit that teaches, uses and follows many sales techniques and we consider ourselves as having "a sales culture." Indeed, every day we are "selling our mission" as we recruit volunteers and solicit donors.

As you can imagine, working with volunteers is anything but structured. However, as in sales, we have weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual goals (volunteer recruitment, services provided, dollars raised, etc) that are tracked and published continuously.

I have been using the MT trinity (O3's, feedback and coaching) very successfully for 3+ years. I would encourage you to jump in -- don't fret over where there may be small differences because it really works!

PS -- I also know that Mark has worked with just about every type of business/organization. It's been tested and it really works! :D