
I recently discovered manager tools find it an excellent resource, I wished I had known about it sooner. Thank you so much for making your experience available!

I was listening to your podcast titled "Contacting Recruiters" and it brought to mind something for me. In 2006, I was in a Director level position where I was laid-off after working at that company for just over 1 year. After the lay off it took me approximately 6 months to find very good job which I began in September 2006, I am now President of a small wholly owned subsidiary of a much larger firm. Part of the delay was caused by the fact that I live in a small market (upstate NY) and my inability to relocate at that time due to family concerns.

In the course of listening to your podcast and based on the difficulty I had getting my current position, I have come to absolutely agree with your suggestion that I should begin managing my career including building relationships with recruiters. However, given the fact that I have only been at my current position for 7 months, I have a concern regarding the potential perception a recruiter may have given my short tenure at my existing employer. I will point out that I am not looking to move right now, I am enjoying my company and the challenges it presents, however I would prefer to be proactive at this point in the event I find myself in a future situation like I experienced in 2006.

Also, during my search last year I attempted to find a good recruiter and was more than a bit disappointed at what I found in my market. Most of the individuals I spoke with were primarily staffing company people calling themselves recruiters. I have spoken with some trusted colleges and they have shared my frustration that in my area, there seems to be a lack of recruiters.

I would appreciate your perspective on how I might be able to handle this situation or even find and approach a good recruiter at this point.

Thanks very much!

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Great question. First off, when you meet or speak with a recruiter, I wouldn't worry one bit about your lack of relationship previously. In fact, telling them that you regret not having had better relationships in your earlier search will be music to their ears. Basically, don't worry.

Regarding finding them, you're in a not great location. But, I have two suggestions. Buy John Lucht's book, "Rites of Passage at $100,000+", 2nd edition, and read it. In the back, there are listings of recruiting companies.

Also, because of where you are, the most ethical recruiter I know is named Carl Goodman, who runs "The Isaac Network" ( in Fairport, NY. Please contact him and let him know I referred you.
