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Submitted by cruss on


Thank You for all the great information and insight into your management techniques. I feel like I'm hearing the "secret magic" that only the good managers know, not being in management myself.

I have just started going through the archives, so I'm sorry if you covered this later on.

I'm starting to use the "Your Resume Stinks" information to recreate my resume from it's current stinky form. I am planning on actively seeking a new job soon and I'm concerned that if my current employer finds out then I will be let go before I have a found a new position. This fear has kept me from seeking a new job for some time now. It was suggested to me that I could add "Please do not contact my current employer" on my resume and this would be acceptable and most places would respect that.

I'm not sure how this fits into the resume outline your described and I would love your comments on this and the potential reactions to it.

I currently have references on my resume and one is my supervisor. I have hoped this would counteract any request to not contact my "Manager". I won't be including them (references) on my new version so I'm not sure how to handle this bit of information. I'm even more concerned when I read post like [url=]Boss saw resume on Monster[/url] on the forums as I believe that my management may have a similar reaction. One of many reasons I'm looking to move.

tvalleav10's picture


For what it's worth, I always assume that a candidate does not want his employer to know that he is looking. Furthermore I can't imagine calling an employer or a reference before actually interviewing the candidate face-to-face.

You shouldn't let this fear of being "discovered" prevent you from moving on.

As for online resumes being found by employers, doesn't Monster give you the option to block or hide your contact information? I can't imagine that they haven't figured out a way to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

Good luck!


jhack's picture

You shouldn't put your references on your resume. Most employers assume you'll provide them when the time is appropriate. If you feel a need, perhaps you could mention in a cover letter that your "references are available upon request"

I'm not a big fan of posting resumes to Monster or other internet services. Your personal network is a great way to discretely let the right people know that you'd consider a new position, and to find out who might be looking for someone with your skills. Recruiters can be very helpful, too, as the good ones won't blanket the net with your resume (see the podcasts on working with recruiters).

Good luck,


Mark's picture
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[b]Get your references off your resume now.[/b] We specifically inveigh against that in the cast.

No one will contact your present firm.

Don't put it on Monster.


cruss's picture
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I've already taken them off of the new version I'm working on. Thanks for the response and thanks again for all the great shows. I feel much more confident and determined to move on from listening to your shows.

The most motivating moment for me was in [url=]Perform... Reviews - Part two[/url] when Michael said:
"Can you think of a worse situation than a manager encouraging their worst people to stay and encouraging their best people to leave."

I laughed out loud. I have never been able to put into words what I felt was happening at my company. Now I have a perfect description. Through the entirety of the first part of performance reviews I was frustrated at hearing what I real review should take into account. I have only had 4 reviews in the 8 1/2 years I have worked at this company. One was given to me a week after it was turned into HR and none included any help in improving my abilities or career. I have decided to try to devise my own annual review for myself so I can really start to understand how I can grow. I also have a question about [url=]self-coaching that I posted here.[/url]

Thanks for everything, especially sharing your years of experience with us all.