
I have recently taken over a bit more area of responsibility and double the amount of Direct Reports (Taking me up to 30-40). My DR's are spread out over a very large area and can never be at the same location to do staff meetings. I have never been a big fan of the telephone conference and now it is a must.

Does anyone have suggestions on leading an effective telephone conference?


Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


You're kidding, right? We just released our podcast on the topic! Part 2 of 2 comes out tonight. Enjoy!


high_d_david's picture


I was not; I am a bit behind in the casts. I have just finished Personal Scent and with perfect timing because I have to address it this week with a direct. It was just my luck I would post a question about the current pod cast I have not listened to. I look forward to hearing the both of you make fun of me down the line.

This site and pod casts has made a significant positive impact on the way I manage. Thank You.

Semper Fi

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge

Hey, hope I didn't offend you David. I just thought it was funny. I think that was the first time someone asked about the cast JUST released. A JIT cast!


high_d_david's picture

No offence taken. I think learning to laugh at ourselves make us better at leading others. Some of us just have more to laugh at than others. :lol:
