
Will you keep in touch with someone you don't want to talk to? or with someone who does not seem like talking to you? How abour someone with no integrity? dishonest?

I cannot force myself to do so

WillDuke's picture
Training Badge

I won't. I might once or twice. But those messages would eventually just go unreturned.

Dishonest - definitely not.

jhack's picture

No. Why are you asking?


stephenbooth_uk's picture

[quote="tonys"]Will you keep in touch with someone you don't want to talk to? or with someone who does not seem like talking to you? How abour someone with no integrity? dishonest?[/quote]

If I have a choice in the matter then no. However, all too often in life there are people who you don't like, dislike or even outright hate but have to deal with on a regular basis for one reason or another. I've found the best thing to do there is to keep things coolly professional and stick to what has to be done but don't try to fake being social or go beyond the purely professional relationship. Of course there's nothing wrong with trying to find a graceful way out of having to deal with them whilst dealing with them in a professional manner.

Being professional is doubly important if you have reason to believe they are dishonest. You minimise your exposure and can document the communication between you so if their dishonesty ever results in fall out you are protected. Obviously if their dishonesty rises to the level of illgality or professional misconduct you have to consider whether to 'whistle blow', raise your concerns with someone senior or just try to extract yourself as gracefully as possible in as short a time as possible.


tonys's picture

I agree. Being Professional!!!

I was just unsure whether "unbiased networking" should cover those.

Tks all for the inputs

Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge


What are you trying to learn here? I'm not following you..and generally we don't love hypotheticals here...


tonys's picture

Hi Mark,

I am here to learn to be an effective teamplayer and manager. It is not a hypothetical question. I am going to leave my current company. I am considering whom I will keep in connection. I know what to do now.

Thank you.


Dani Martin's picture
Licensee Badge

How long do you keep "staying in touch with" someone if they aren't responding? I've added a lot of people to my network (thanks MT!) and am sending emails, voicemails, notes, etc. regularly.

What about the people who don't respond after 2-3 times? I think the answer is keep doing it, but want to be sure.
