
I am seeking feedback regarding the value of peer interviewing. Would you recommend using it and where do you incorporate in the search process?

I am about to start the process to fill an entry-level position. For past candidate searches I have had candidates interview with me and the different leaders of the five business units that comprise our total department. The final step for a candidate is to interview with the team leader.

I am thinking about introducing peer interviewing to this search process. My direct's are comprised mostly of entry-level hires with 1-3 years of experience, plus 2 senior directs with 20+ years. I would like to use the directs to interview 3-5 candidates to narrow down to 1-2 candidates. The final 2 candidates would then return for interviews with business unit managers and team leader.

I hope the directs can provide greater insight into the attributes of each candidate and the candidates ability to succeed in this position. Second, I expect the directs will develop a greater ownership stake in the new hires success. I also expect it to be a career development step for my directs.

I appreciate feedback and recommendations.

jhack's picture

I'm a fan of peer interviews.

The trick is to make the process clear to everyone. Will your directs have input, veto power, or what? Make sure they know what their role is specifically.


HMac's picture

I'm a big fan also: it can build tremendous support for the new hire's success among team members, and give team members a genuine role in forming the team as time goes on.

In addition to hack's recommendation about clarifying the roles, make sure the team listens to: they understand the method and criteria you'll be using to capture their feedback (and, it's a nice way to introduce your team to M-T... :) )


kklogic's picture

We won't hire without peer interviews. It's critical that the team likes the new hire and that the personality is a good fit. By all means, do it. IIRC, M&M say in the interviewing podcasts that it's a must.