
Hi all,

I thought this had been discussed here before, but nothing came up in my search.

I was wondering how performance reviews for managers work in your companies. Do managers have different ones than other people who have nobody reporting to them? Or do their reviews have some additional points that address management skills?

I'm really interested in learning if and how management skills are being evaluated everywhere. At my previous employers, everyone throughout all levels had the same questions/points on their evaluation sheets and you had to interpret them differently in each position. That might work for a lot of jobs/positions, but I really believe that anyone who manages people should be evaluated on people- and management skills.

If anyone has some examples for me, I'd appreciate it!

Thank you,

JoeFuture's picture

This is a great question. In my company, there is a "people management" rating as well as an individual contributor rating. In my experience, most of the review has focused on IC skills because those things are easier to measure (when you don't think about it). The management portion has been reviewed based on my team's results and how we're perceived by people we work with. Usually, I don't get feedback in my review on things like "you give good feedback and you're doing effective 1:1s", rather it's more along the lines of "you've built a high performing team".

I'm fortunate that my current manager actually does a very good job of giving focused feedback on management techniques I use. Others should be so lucky!

I suspect the sad fact is that for the same reason many managers aren't good managers, many managers don't do a great job of reviewing other managers.

I'd be interested in hearing what you & others think an effective review of a manager would look like. We've all seen the ineffective ones :)