

I've noticed that the London Conferences are £995 (Manager), and £600 (communication). In the U.S. the costs are $995, and $600.

Therefore in the U.K. we seem to be paying around £300 more for the Manager conference and around £270 more for the communications conference, which is approximately £570 more per individual than in the U.S.

I appreciate that the costs incurred to travel to the U.K. are more than travelling internally within the U.S, but the costs still seem a little high.


I'd personally like to attend the conferences, but due to my company having it's own management training courses (some internal some outsourced), and the prices of the conferences in the U.K.  I cannot afford to pay it personally.



Paul Vaughan

mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge


Thanks, Paul ... I appreciate your concerns.  Sorry we couldn't do it any cheaper.  With the exchange rate, increased travel costs, time on the front end and back end of the travel (real opportunity costs), and higher venue costs, we had to price it appropriately.  Otherwise, we simply wouldn't have been able to conduct the event.

Regardless of our rationale,  I understand the burden of costs and regret that you won't be able to attend.

Best Regards,


England77's picture



Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I can appreciate with increased costs across all the aspects you pointed out why the costs are higher in the UK.

If I could talk my company into letting me ago I would defiantly attend, its unfortunate I cannot afford it without company sponsor.


Again thanks for your input.

Kind Regards,
