
Hello Mike and Mark,

You've done a wonderful job with the DISC model to help us be better managers - by both understand ourselves and our directs.  However, what would you say to those of us who aren't high on any one of the four areas -- but rather just medium everywhere?  Do you have an upcoming cast on how to use this scenario for better managing?

TomW's picture
Training Badge

Have you taken a DISC profile to confirm that? Is your profile completely flat?

MsSunshine's picture

I'm a 5-5-5-2 - Counselor.   So, I'm at the same level in 3 different areas (D, I and S). 

What I do is look for parts of me in those categories.  Usually things just jump out as either "me" or "not me".  For example, in the high-S cast it talks about loving new ideas and not always following through.  That is a continual struggle for me so I laughed a little when I listened to the cast.  But then use the suggestions to try to help myself.

But I guess that's just what I do with any information like this.  I do an honest look at myself to see if it fits.  If so, apply it.  If not, recognize that all of these things are generalizations of usual patterns and may not apply to any one individual.

Peter.westley's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

TylerCroft, [apologies for earlier referring to MsSunshine as poster...]

Having a similar profile (low D rather than C), I know how you feel. And this is what I've found; It's perhaps worthwhile to dwell on what your low C means.

By your profile, it suggests you're probably comfortable behaving in the D, I or S styles but UN-comfortable in the C style. What that translates to is that when working with high C folk, you might achieve a better relationship by focusing on the things that make them comfortable. For example, allowing them more time to collect data and be more accurate, by simply speaking more slowly and in a more measured way or taking the time to work through the data they have for you. Yes it might be frustrating and unnatural for you but as M&M would say, we're not here to be comfortable - we're here to be effective!

On the flip side, you could make use of a high C's preference by delegating work to them that requires a high attention to detail - something you may not otherwise enjoy or execute well yourself.

Also, it's worth knowing that anyone with a low D, I or S will see your D, I or S as quite high relative to them. So for example, your behaviour of 5 in D might come across as very high D to someone with a very low D preference. 5 is low to someone with a 7, and it's high to someone with a 2!

Hope that helps.

-- Peter

DISC: 2564

jhack's picture


Did you take the test?  The document delivered to you is full of detail on what your profile means, and how to understand your strengths and weaknesses.  The document also discusses 15 "classic" profiles (but not every possible combination, of course) and those detailed discussions are also useful data points. 

John Hack

lbongaer's picture


I recognize some of what you describe. A question: which style do you pick when you are under stress?

I notice from myself that i have mastered some communication styles - over the years - and genuinly made some of it part of me. To such a degree even that I get upset when people are not behaving like this, but rather hang out in my original style. But I also notice when the going really get's tough, when I am under pressure of time, or under attack, that I quite easily slip back to my original style...

Hope that helps.


Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge

I'd bet you overthought your answers.  Low intensity scores often indicate a "balancing" effort during administration, which masks normal tendencies.
