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Submitted by jrumple on


Colorado Springs Manager Tools Meetup will be August 18, 2010 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the East Library (5550 North Union Blvd.) Conference Room I.

Purpose: To expand our understanding of the Manager Tools recommendations. Collaborate as a group on applying Manager Tools and Career Tools at work. Share experiences and ask for help.

Typical Agenda (see forums for updated topics)
7:00 Welcome and Introductions (Jack Rumple)
7:10  DBQ Goals (Jack Rumple)
7:45  Decide on next month's topic (Jack Rumple)
7:50 Adjourn

Plan to eat prior to the meeting as food will NOT be available.

Contact Jack Rumple at 719-304-4122 for more details. Feel free to share this with others in the local area who are excited about the Manager Tools podcast.

jrumple's picture
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Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out. I know it was a different time from our usual Meet-Ups. I'll try to get the room earlier next month so we can get back on our regular schedule.

I think everyone had a good time and enjoyed the topic. We covered something that hasn't been in the podcast yet, but is being piloted through the Effective Manager Conference: DBQ Goals. Everyone there had listened to the Coaching podcasts and the MT Goals podcasts. That made it easy to cover the updates for DBQ Goals. Also everyone was familiar with focusing on behavior and that review went quickly.

We also stressed the importance of including the reporting of goal completion as part of the expected behavior. One example was, instead of "Send the report to xxx." use "Cc me when you send the report to xxx." Looking at it here is a minor change. It also shows that reporting completion isn't some extra task or ordeal. It is just part of keeping everyone informed.

Again thanks to everyone who was able to make it. Stay tuned to this forum for information about the September Meetup.

Colorado Springs