
Hello all

First I would like to apologise for possible mistakes you might find inside my posts - english is not my first language. I'm founder and president of small building company from Poland ( (60 employees, 7M $ annual sale).

I found MT podcasts this year and I really like it. After some preparation I'v launched O3 and this week starting positive feedback - both this  tools seems to work great. I'm also following M&M advices on establish good communications within the company.

At the moment we have 2 major building sites. Each site is managed by one manager engineer with the help from 2 other engineers - they have aprox 20+ our own company employees and 50+ subcontractors employees. Both sites are supervised by technical advisor (no idea if I made it clear but translating job names seems the most difficult to me). I should also mention that all 6 site engineers are fairly young people with almost none experience at work and at managing people especially - for most of them, work at our company is their first work after studies. 

 Beacuse I realised how poorly our internal communication looked, I've decided to try M&M's advices on running virtual teams - I've started :

  • weekly staff videoconference - for HQ+both sites
  • weekly O3 - I run them at sites offices  - cause it's impossible to get folks leave site and travel to HQ - it's inefficient and too expensive, and also I'm visiting each site weekly
  • I asked to write weekly reports by each engineer that should be sent by email to each member of team on site, technical advisor and me 

And here is the problem I'm recently facing - weekly reports. I asked  them to be like a weekly summary of the most important actions by every team member, folks should spend max 30 mins writing them in body of email, send by 2 pm on Friday. After 4 weeks I'm surprised that those reports seem to be treated like unnecessary burden by most of directs. One of them - technical advisor - the most experienced guy in company who works for us (25 years of working in building industry) even refused to write them! I talked to him about this raports during our O3 but he said that :

  • he works as "freelancer" - well it's kind of true - he has work contract rather than "typical" direct
  • according to his contract he doesn't have to follow all company rules - well technicaly yes
  • he already made an exception and agreed on aour weekly O3 (sic!)
  • and he thinks that "captain in army doesn't have to raport to sergeant" - means he won't write about his work/duties/results to site engineers .... M&M could certainly add few cents to this attitude ;)

So after such long description of my fight for developing folks in my company, what would everyone suggest?  Am I doing OK with MT tools usage or should I modify things according to specific of my industry?

Thanks in advance for all replies



p.s. Sorry for such long post and probably many mistakes.





groupdynamic's picture


It seems like the engineers find the reports to be redundant because of the O3's, and maybe insulting because of the requirement that they be sent out to people "below" them.

What if you took a written summary of your O3, sent it to the engineer, asked them if they had anything to add and then email it back to you, then you summarize the reports and send them out yourself?  This would demonstrate that you are willing to send reports to "underlings" yourself.

Another alternative is to have a brief questionnaire to provide the engineers so that they have a framework for their report, then it might take just 10 minutes instead of 30.

I'm no expert on your industry, but those are some thoughts.  Good luck!

 Alan Feirer

Group Dynamic



SamBeroz's picture

I’m unclear on the benefits of the weekly reports and it sounds like some of your people are too.  You can certainly give feedback on behavior related to the reports but part of that should include the impact their behavior is having (which goes back to benefit of the reports).

In addition to the time needed to write the reports you may also want to consider the time required to read them.  If the purpose is information sharing, it may be worthwhile to have someone distill them into a single message.  This would also allow you to add detail on how individual efforts are connected.

One alternative is to ask for them to be sent to you prior to your O3s.  That way you could use it to help guide your portion of the conversation. And if they miss that deadline you have a chance to give them immediate feedback.

I hope some of that helps – Sam