
 BLUF: Drucker never ceases to amaze me.

For my Strategic Marketing class in my MBA program, we are doing a consulting project for a local non-profit that helps urban residents on welfare find jobs, gain skills, and get off government aid. Our job is to help the org get organized properly and then market themselves to potential donors, etc., etc.

I was in the library, looking for resources and what did I come across? "Managing the Nonprofit Organization" by Peter Drucker and "The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization" by Peter Drucker and others. Both have been INCREDIBLY helpful.

He's everywhere!

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There was an article a number of years ago about 10-15 management consultant ideas that had been marketed over the years, followed by the original idea that Drucker wrote about...20 years or more sooner.

Good example...Marcus Buckingham's great work all flows from Drucker's "build from one's strengths" concept.

Oh yeah, he's good!
