
 I've been promoted (yay) but am a bit terrified that I don't have any idea what I'm doing. Intellectually I know that's not true, but...


What are books you recommend for managing scientists, managing engineers, managing in an academic environment, etc. 

I've already been suggested and read:

* 1 minute manager (loved it)

* The Goal (not very applicable but read it anyway)

* Crucial Conversations (going slowly because it's dense)

* I, Mammal (AMAZING book on what incentivizes mammals).


The job is a mix of helping grad students, post-docs, and scientists determine short-term technical goals, long-term career goals, and achieve them all, as well as drive the project from a high level to meet the funder's milestones. 


uninet22's picture

I recommend "Drive" by Daniel H. Pink.  Here's a quick youtube summary:

This book may appeal to scientists, engineers and academics alike because it contains a number of scientific findings on how people are motivated.  Deep down, very few of us are motivated by the old 'carrot and stick' methods, so why do we expect those same methods to work on our directs, who are just as smart (or smarter!) than we are? 

After reading this, you'll realize that most organizations are doing it waaaay wrong, killing the motivation of their team and damaging their relationhips with their directs in the process. 

rthibode's picture

Congratulations on your new role!

Although it's not a management book, you and your team could benefit from Robert Boice's work. Hi book Advice for New Faculty outlines the difficulties that young (and old) academics face. Boice was a faculty development person for 30+ years. One thing I appreciate about his work is that he understands the connection between success in teaching and success in research. Too many young faculty get overwhelmed by teaching demands and spend far too much time preparing "perfect" lectures, which cuts down on their research time and, ironically, does not produce effective teaching. He gives practical, research-based advice on launching a successful academic  career based on his research with "quick starters."
