
Hi Everyone,

This my first post in your interesting forum, i have listened to many of the MT broadcasts and it was really helpful.

I have been recently promoted from Sr. System administrator to IT infrastructure manager, i'm working with this company since 2006 but after i got promoted i have changed most of the team members due to performance issues. However, now after 6 months from my promotion i found myself late from doing my management tasks so i have started by taking a decision to start one-on-ones meeting, which is clear for me from your great broadcast, but i need help with meeting my team how i can do this, what i have to discuss, and how frequently this should be? And if you have any other advices for me i'll be grateful.

Thank You.

Kevin1's picture

Hi and welcome,

The Trinity of good day to day management consists of 4 (yes 4) parts.

  1. One on Ones
  2. Feedback
  3. Coaching
  4. Delegation

each has several casts describing it in a lot of detail including purpose, frequency, how to and how not to.

There is also a cast called Rolling out the Trinity.  In it, you will find One on Ones are first and you do them for 12 weeks before moving on to Feedback.

I hope that helps.

kind regards


Kevin1's picture

 If you are looking for guidance on your team meetings, there are also several casts on that.  It should be weekly and the topics can vary depending on the nature of the team and the work they do.  You also need to give them any company communication along with what the message means to them and their work.

there is a lot more guidance in the casts on team meetings

kind regards


vip1982's picture

Thank You Kevin. Do you recommend any book i can start with, i have purchased The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.

But i didn't find online copy of "the first 90 days critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels" do you know any similar book which can help?

Thank You

Kevin1's picture


7 habits is a good book and there is much in that book that is helpful.  I particularly like the idea of listening first with a view to understand.  I also like the theory behind the emotional bank account.  Both of these have served me well in many circumstances.

That said, you don't need a book when you have found MT.  You need to get to know your people and build strong relationships with them.  Set them challenging goals and help them to achieve them.  Give them positive feedback when they do good (all the time) and adjusting feedback when they need it (occasionally)

help them to improve themselves over time and give them more responsibilities.

there is so much guidance on this site.  Almost 900 podcasts.  Almost all of it actionable.

If you need specific help on a particular problem, these forums are a great resource.  You could also try the effective manager conferences

kind regards


Kevin1's picture

Don't get wrong.  Plenty of good books out there with some exceptional advice.  See the book section on this site for some reviews.  There is also a couple of good casts on the best books to read and for what reasons MIke and Mark recommend them.

kind regards 


vip1982's picture

Thank You Guys! I have checked the books section, and i have purchased the effective executive and i hope it will help my in my new tasks.