
Based on everyone's experience here, how often do employees manage to turn things around after a negative performance review.  How should a manager respond when an employee is truly making progress?  And if they do dig themselves out of the review, how often do they recover their reputation with the organization at large?

It's very easy to find stories of people being managed out, but I don't hear as much about those who repair the damage and then succeed.

US41's picture

12 years ago, I met Mike and Mark, and I literally was cancer to work with. I resented management and wanted nothing to do with anyone anywhere at work. 

I turned my ship around. The meeting and some of the things they taught at their effective manager conference at my company served as a catalyst. I went out and listened to all of the podcasts. I made a notebook which contained directions and plans on how to implement this stuff on my team. I started off very clumsily doing it all wrong and just making people even more irritated.

However, over time, I kept trying and eventually figured out a smoother, more caring of people way to manage. I learned how to put my boss at the top of my list every day. And I picked up some other tips. Over time I developed my own style of management where I no longer require cheat sheets or reminders of what I am supposed to be doing. One on ones are just conversations that happen naturally where I bring my questions. Relationships develop with new employees slowly and confidently. 

My bosses went from telling me I needed to pull it together to telling me that I was one of their stars. I started receiving approaches from other teams asking me to come help them out.

Never give up on someone. You never know. You really don't. Follow the MT process. Keep after them. Mark says "You have to love your people," and I agree with that. Remember everyone is someone else's special son or daughter, grandchild, husband or wife, or father or mother. If you earnestly try to help someone and put yourself out there, yes, you are going to fail, and sometimes you will feel betrayed. But don't let that stop you. Because when it pays off, and it has for me, you are going to feel like you are at the mountaintop looking down on creation.

My boss didn't give up on me. I no longer work for her, nor the following two bosses I had after, but the three of us are all still friends, and think the world of each other.


CorpLife's picture

Thanks for the very candid comments.  It sounds like a case of "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  You were ready to make a change, and you had someone willing to teach you.  I will definitely keep your personal story in mind as I deal with these situations.