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Submitted by Laura McCaffrey on


Hello! What does MT think about giving feedback to someone else's direct? She's working on an assignment for me, and I have some feedback to give. Do I tell her directly? Do I discuss it with her boss? Her boss does not use the MT methods...

timrutter's picture

You might find the Peer Feedback Model useful Laura


Laura McCaffrey's picture
Licensee Badge

Thanks!  I'll definitely listen to that one.

pucciot's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

I second the above reccomendation.

Remember that Manager Tools "Feedback" is for managers, not skips, not other people's directs, not peers.

MTFeedback is a very specific Technique tool.  It must first be introduced as a managerial change.  And it is introduced in a very specific way and insituted over time according to MT guidance. 

Your peer's skip won't recognize the FeedBack model.  They won't know what you are doing and what to do.


The Peer Feedback Technique is the way to go  

OR if you don't have a good relationship with that person 

just go to your Peer and do the Peer Feedback model.

"Hey, Joe, -- when Margret doesn't get that report to my team on time, it slows down my guy Sean.  Just wanted to let you know, thanks"

Let your Peer be the manager.  That's his job.

Good Luck



Laura McCaffrey's picture
Licensee Badge

Thanks so much for the guidance.

katehorstman's picture
Admin Role Badge

Have you listened to our cast on Project Manager Feedback? While this person isn’t your direct, she does have deliverables to you. The PM Feedback cast is very helpful in your situation. It answers the questions about how to talk about performance to project staff and how do you get staff to do things when you don't manage them. I’ve included the link below.

I hope this helps!




Laura McCaffrey's picture
Licensee Badge

Great, I'll listen to that one. Thanks!