
I started listening to te Manager Tools/Career Tools podcasts about a month ago and I truly enjoy their discussions and advice and I think the career management document (CMD) is a great idea.

My career is primarily in IT spanning Telecommunications and DoD industries but I have pursued other interests alongside my career in volunteer work and side businesses that I believe have strong transferable skills.

I am in the middle of updating my CMD and I want to update my LinkedIn and job board profiles/resumes with content from my CMD, since I am not tailoring the information for a specific job posting, how much of my CMD should be posted on my online profiles?


Thank you.

David Coe

mmann's picture
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Hello David,

There are several casts addressing LinkedIn, too many to list.  Click this search to get a selection. 

  Good luck!

davidcoe's picture

Michael, thanks for the feedback. I have listened to several but did not hear a more specific answer to my question yet. I can derive an answer from the podcasts an other sources but a confirmation is nice to hear.


Since I have submitted this post, I have completed my DISC profile. After reading the 15 common profiles, it looked like I would be an Investigator and my test score 6156 (high DC) proved it. I only disagree with report's intensity levels for "i" at levels 1 through 5, I think I fit more with 9 through 13. It doesn't change the score or my tendencies. Anyway, I was wondering if your DISC profile affects how to present information on your resume, what are the pitfalls to look for and how to overcome them?



David Coe

DISC: 6156