
I'm interviewing for a job next week in which a key requirement for the job is 'developing relationships'.  It's a sales sort of role and my background isn't necessarily in sales, but I have mostly all of the requirement they are looking for.

My question--how do I best connect my past professional experience to match a question such as "Have you had to develop relationships in the past?"

I have had my own consulting business in which I did work with a few clients, so I think i can use that.  I was also thinking that since I am still in touch/connected with old co-workers from most of my old roles this might be useful as well.

Maybe it comes down to having just good networking skills in general?

mfculbert's picture

If you are following MT protocols, you can talk about the importance of knowing names. You can talk about having reminders on your calendar that help you remember to check on contact with individuals every quarter at the very least. You can also talk about how important it is to give to a relationship without limit. In all the cases I would give examples of times I have benefited from these behaviors.

Good luck!

GlennR's picture

Just some random thoughts here that may or may not apply to you....

  1. It's not enough to create a relationship. You have to maintain it. What would be your plan for maintaining relationships?
  2. Relationships are the means to an end. That end is most likely increasing sales and/or profits. Can you discuss how you would seek to develop those relationships to the benefit of both the organization and that individual?
  3. What about the 80/20 plan? How would you treat the 20% differently?
  4. How will you track your progress? For example, will you use a CRM database or something similar?

Good luck!


SteveAnderson's picture
Training Badge

I'm going to assume that you were at least somewhat effective at consulting.  As a consultant myself, I've found that client relationship development and management is a huge part of it. If those relationships weren't well-maintained.  Like the previous commenters, I think you would be well-advised to focus on not just what you did and how well you did it, but with how you did it.

Good luck!