
 I worked in a small team for several years where I gained seniority.  When our manager took another job, I was appointed the new manager.  My former co-worker, now a direct to me, was very unhappy with my promotion.  She disagrees with me on everything, she talks bad about me behind my back, and she schemes to get me in trouble.  When I confront her about her unhappiness she denies it.  She has damaged her own reputation enough that no one takes her seriously anymore, but I'm still hearing things from my co-workers about things she says.  It is awkward because we worked side by side for so long and now things are sour.  She is also older than I am and does not respect my opinion.  She also tends to be very hard on our interns, but she doesn't follow her own rules.  She constantly comes in late, and yells at anyone else that does.

This is my first time managing a full time employee and it is definitely a challenge.  Her performance on task is very good, but she really causes a lot of unnecessary stress and hardship on the department in her current state.  How can I make things better for both of us?

Singers's picture


First off do you do 1:1's and feedback with the employee in question? If not I would start the 1:1's to see if you can get better insight and understand of her situation. - As always DISC is important specially when things are not working as most of this often comes down to communication 

While people might not take her serious, if she a good performance, she add's value to the company so the best thing you can do is make sure she continue to develop and if it's really because she wanted the job you have, delegate and help her in any way you can to ensure she'll be able to take any upcoming jobs in the organization. It's always hard to get employee's turned around, but treat her like everyone else and do all you can to develop her.


Kind Regards

Mads Sorensen

Disc 4536

SamBeroz's picture


Limit feedback to her behavior (coming in late, raising her voice, etc) which is directly observable / indisputable. Unhappiness is a state of mind, and feedback on it almost always results in defensiveness. 

At the same time recognize her experience for the opportunity it is by asking for her input.

Change won't be fast, but it will happen.

- Sam