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Submitted by BrianT on


Does this look over-scheduled?  I'm trying to get my calendar under control by scheduling time for my priorities.  Attached is a snapshot of my calendar for this week.  This is fairly typical.  And I still can't help but feel like I'm over-scheduled.  

I'm a Director with several managers, as well as ten individual contributors, reporting to me.  

Here's the color key:  Orange = 1o1's with directs.  Yellow = peer 1o1's.  Dark blue = processing email, et. al. admin tasks.  Other appointments & meetings are in the default blue.  

Thanks for the feedback.  


maura's picture
Training Badge

That actually looks like a really manageable, well-maintained calendar to me.  You're hardly ever double-booked, and you've blocked out time for things that need to get done. 

One thing that might help is to schedule your long term priorities rather than the smaller stuff like email.  You may be feeling overscheduled because you only have small pockets of time to work on the really big stuff.  If you leave the email and other admin tasks for the small pockets, and schedule larger blocks of time to work on your yearly goals, you'll have a better shot at making real progress on the big stuff.  At least, that's what worked for me.

rrothwell's picture

I agree, it looks well maintained to me. 

BrianT's picture
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Thank you.  I appreciate the feedback.  I agree that I need the 'big things' on my calendar, in the spirit of scheduling my priorities.  Some days it feels much more chaotic than it appears in Outlook.  

Again, thank you.  


lar12's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge

Looks good.

I've found that using 15 min blocks of time works better.  I've been known to be late for meetings, often because I work until 5 min before it starts and then dash off to the meeting, only to be the last one to arrive and a few minutes after it started. It's rude and annoying.  I started scheduling my time in 15 minute blocks.  Now I am rarely late for meetings, I show up as one of the first and I have a chance to collect my thoughts & chat with my teammates before hand.  It also keeps me from looking like that jerk that doesn't respect anyone else's time.