
How do you cope with someone who doesn't "believe" in the same things as you do on a daily basis (in terms of behavior, if possible) despite the results you're showing?  

I've been listening to both the MT and CT podcasts for more than 2 years now and while I really, really learned a LOT of things for myself, growing my career and as a manager, I find it very difficult to deal with what's happening on a daily basis here in the company.

My standards have become very high. In hiring, I practice the behavioral interviews, adhere to my calendar, do the management trinity with my direct, and a lot more of the stuff that Mike and Mark recommends. 

I try to be a good manager, delivering results day-in and day-out; started building relationships outside my team (peers and their directs via peer O3s) but for quite some time, I have been observing (fact, not feeling) that other people who are putting out fires left and right are being rewarded (more on this below) and appreciated rather than someone (me) who makes sure the fires don't reach wildfire in the first place. 

And the reason why I say they are being rewarded is the problems (note plural) have been there for more than a year and still applying the same approach to solving it by my boss - "ok, what are you going to do about it?" then the person answers all kinds of stuff then that's it. It happens every week, without any changes, accepting excuse after excuse as to why it's not yet done or resolved. No deadlines are being given, that I'm sure. And this one, I'm assuming, no negative implications are being made as well. 

A little more background is part of my job is sales. So achieving numbers / quotas. And, apparently, that's the EASIEST thing to measure. And sadly, that's the only thing being measured here. So i'm the only one with my head on the line. Deadlines, accuracy, timeliness, and all those "work products" are not being measured. Sadly, we are in the service industry - so much like consultants, we get paid for our time and our salaries are our biggest costs. So imagine the impact of those i stated above. 

I believe I'm a top performer. And i'm not getting compensated (not talking about monetary terms) for being a top performer. I'm pretty sure you have experienced this way at some point and i just want to know how to get over it. I'm just 25 and have a whole career ahead of me and I want to get over this. 


PS: my boss and the managers (peers) here are also doing O3s (they copied it from me) but don't know the underlying reason behind it. I am an evangelist of Manager Tools here and to my friends (outside of work) and I haven't heard from anyone of them if they listened to it or not. An additional information, my boss is a High I / High S. She wants to understand the why of everything. In addition, she doesn't like listening to Mark because he goes on his soapbox. 


DiSC: 7117

svibanez's picture

I'm sure you've heard Mark and Mike describe good management as un-sexy, repetitive and highly effective.  It is not pretty or flashy.  I'd like to believe your boss sees your effectiveness and that's why she started doing O3s (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?).

Your peers seem to be stuck on a hamster wheel and the "rewards" you see are just them making noise and blowing smoke without getting the results the organization needs.  Firefighting is exciting, sexy, and significantly less effective the preventing the fires in the first place, as you already stated.  Your boss would have to be an idiot to not recognize that.

Continue to hold yourself to the higher standard you have set for yourself.  It will become clear to the organization that you're getting the job done and the real rewards will come in due time.  I know it's not easy sometimes - I've been in the same situation.

I wish you all the best.


DiSC 7114

aylim14's picture

First, thanks Steve. Yes, it is definitely not easy. I'm just at the edge of my seat now because all resources are being allocated to them because of the fires while I get deprived. And now that there's some fires are starting to flare up on my end, there are no more resources. Not even the ones approved for my budget! 


GlennR's picture

Buried about halfway down your post is the fact that, in your culture, sales is the one true metric. You are saddened that it's the only metric being measured here.

Do you need to improve your sales numbers? Are you focusing more on "management" because it's easier than improving your sales numbers? If so, time to revisit Drucker's "The Effective Executive." Your number one priority ought to be increasing those numbers. I suspect your success in "management' is distracting you from what appears to be your organization's Key Performance Indicator: Sales.

Whether or not you agree with the organization's emphasis on sales numbers is irrelevant. It will be far easier for you to improve your numbers than it will be to change the culture, right or wrong.

Once your numbers improve, your credibility will improve as well. It should be easier for you to access scarce resources and for you to evangelize about MT.

Good luck!

aylim14's picture

Thanks Glenn, I never thought of it that way. You're right. I think that's were my focus ought to be rather than engaging myself in (ineffective) behaviors trying to change other people. 

And yes, numbers are good. As of this date, 70.61% of quota is already achieved. Of course, that's not to say I can relax already. That's another story. So i don't think it's an issue (at least from my perspective). 

But yes, your point about that single priority practically answers the buzzing in my head. 

GlennR's picture

Don't thank me, thank Peter Drucker and the MT crew:-)

If you're a book reader, check out "The One Thing." I found it very beneficial in giving me actionable steps to invest my time where it does the most good.

Nice sales figures!

Good luck!



aylim14's picture

Yes I am. Just that i have to squeeze in time to read it. Started with the Effective Executive and stopped at Chapter 2. Like what Mark said, it's not an easy read. Anyways, again, thanks. Made me look at it from the other side.  

GlennR's picture

Grit your teeth and be sure to read Chapter 5 of Effective Executive. See also Habit 3 of Covey's "The 7 Habits..." I try to stay in Quadrant 2 as much as possible.
