
 Bluf: my values are not well aligned with my companies. However I do love my work. Can I succeed with incongruent values?

Working for a Global consultancy dollars, cents and sales are what matter.  I on the other hand are very interested and focussed on coaching, mentoring and leadership. 

I do beleieve that what is measured is managed. As my values are not measured they are not managed or recognised. 

Am I pushing the proverbial uphill.

Mattias's picture

Get experience and achievements, later you can get the same job in a different company.

pegman's picture

 I completely agree. How long should one hold on. How do I know when I have ample experience and achievements? 

naraa's picture
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 Pegman, if I understand correctly you do a lot of coaching, mentoring and leadership and that is not being measured?  Well, if you are doing it, and you believe in them, those are what is generating you results.  And the results are being measured.  At the end the results are what matters.  If you have a smart boss, he/she may not acknowledge how you get the results you get, but if you get the results and have the freedom to exercise and live by your values, and you love your job, what else matters?  You don't need to be recognized by your values.

If you are not happy, that is a different story....

The question I think is ample experience and achievement for what?  Hold on to what as oppose to doing what?

pegman's picture

I am more referring to an incongruent view in what really matters and whether it is valued.  I believe leadership, coaching and personal development deliver results.  My firm really values, sales, hours and utilization.  How can I succeed with this mismatch?

delete_account_per_reacher_145083_dtiller's picture
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I think the issue is your company is trying to run a business and has provided you with targets and goals and it seems you want to do something different.  This is a problem.  I am assuming you have been hired to do a certain job but want to do a different job. 

I don't think this is a difference in values but in job duties.  The company needs to measure and value sales, hours and utilization as othewise it would not be able to stay in business.  There are roles within organizations that needs the skills you are interested in and so you should look to those.  If your current role requires the achieving of the hard results then perhaps that is where the issue is.

I hope you find your match!!


GlennR's picture

Use your skills in leadership, mentoring, and coaching to  generate increases in sales,hours, and utilization. If you cannot, move on.

DiogenesPerez's picture
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In my experience "coaching, mentoring and leadership" are the tools required to accomplish the "dollars, cents and sales" that matter in your company.

As a Manager my goals are not related with how many O3 I do (or miss) or how much feedback I give. My goals directly reflect how well I do them because they are the means to channel company goals to my team and how can we met them.

At the end of the every month we're paid with an amount on dollars which satisfied customers -with good work the team performed- paid to the Company in dollars.

Your "coaching, mentoring and leadership" must be translated to the Company Goals if is not the case then there's something to be changed in the tools.