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Submitted by faxmebeer on


I've had one-on-ones with one of my managers (a direct) for several months, now. They weekly, and long (usually 90 minutes), covering goal setting, status of goals, and general updates on misc. things that come up during the week. She then has a staff meeting to convey what I've provided her, delegate out specifics related to the departmental goals, and to take care of whatever she needs to convey to them aside from what I've given her.

Now that I've discovered the MT method (she and I attended the conference in San Diego this week), we'll be conforming our processes to the MT system - but that's made me think about the one-on-ones I have with her (which amount to a two person staff meeting). What do ya'all think about having a MT one-on-one that leads into our normal status meeting, vs. having a MT one-on-one and then having a status meeting at a separate time/date? I am concerned about taking too much of her time, since I'm already meeting with her for 90 minutes per week, and then she's running her own staff meeting for 60-90 minutes, plus running 10 one-on-ones of her own each week. Maybe one more half hour meeting doesn't matter too much - I just start to feel like sort of a jerk :).

timrutter's picture

Looking at the meeting structure in what you've written, there could be a win rather than a loss here. Firstly, I would keep operations and relationship meetings separated.

You're MT O3's are 30 minutes

You're operational meeting could probably come down to about 45 minutes with a bit more structure and focus (Agenda) as the O3 side has been removed.

Do you have other manager's reporting to you?
