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Submitted by sherzing on


Hi Everyone,
I'm manger in a software company and together with a colleague of mine we are discussion the best approch on how to develop our directs.

We both think the a normal approach would be that our directs to become for effective in their day to day work and with this carve out some time to learn new qualifications for their job. I also think that it would be fair to request a certain effort in the free time of the my directs to learn completely new things, like reading books on management or going through the MT podcasts to get the basics before they start doing it.

On the other hand, a common feedback I get is that the development of people should be done during office hours and not require people to spend extra time on getting more qualifications.

What is your approach to develop people? Doing it all during office hours, ask them to do it in their own time, or a mixed approach?

Thanks for your comments.


nwillis's picture

i think a mixed approach is essential. Certain measurable activities like using company/CBT resources could be done in company hours if you allow half a day per month. Also company I.L.T classes, workshops could be done in company time as they could be part of O.T.J training. reading however is a very fluid activity and should be done outside work. A workshop could include reading something beforehand in your own time, then a workshop during company time.

O.T.J training and shadowing would of course need to be done during company hours.

I think the most important thing is that any training done during company hours need to be clearly defined booked as such, if only to avoid over-booking. But half a day per month is a good starting figure.

sherzing's picture
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Thanks for the rule of thumb with half day a month.



williamelledgepe's picture
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Could you please explain your acronyms?

G3's picture

Don't have a direct answer for you... That being said, you might want to consider checking out all of the coaching podcasts. Link to one about how to develop employees here:

Smacquarrie's picture

OJT - On the Job Training
ILT - Instructor Led Training
MT - Manager Tools
I hope this helps.