
BLUF: Do I addend the PIP extension with what really happened before I sign?

I was placed on a PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) by my new skip boss ~14 weeks ago. This was the first feedback I got from him (he very recently joined the company). The PIP end date was last month with no word. He set up a meeting, but then cancelled it. We were supposed to have weekly meetings of which we have had only 2. 

He set up a PIP extension meeting where he will ask me to sign a document that says we have been meeting regularly and the PIP will be extended to this Friday. I am presuming that he will fire me on Friday (to cool off over the weekend) and wants a signed document that says he did his part of what the PIP said.

So, should I just sign it and move on, or should I add verbiage so it more accurately reflects what happened?

The PIP goals where stretch goals at best and I met most, but not all. I improved my attitude as he admitted in one of the meetings early on. 

I know I could still have a job after this, but I do not think I will. He has already let two other people go on PIPs in his less than 1 year on site.My boss has made the recommendation to him to keep me.

There are a lot of great people who work here and I am presuming he will be moving on shortly. If I write something in, then there will be a record of it; if I do not, then future people will assume we did have regular meetings. I love working here and love working for my boss.

acao162's picture

If the document is untrue, should you sign it?  I would say no.  If you are going to be fired anyway, I'm not sure what the downside is to not signing.  Can he make you?  Find out the consequences and decide.  You signing the PIP is probably his cover to not being sued for wrongful termination? 

Writing in what really happened will only make you feel better, it won't change things.  So, I wouldn't do that either, even though I'd really want to "set the record straight".  Do learn from the experience & don't do this to someone else.


Solitaire's picture

I agree with ACAO162. Don't sign it if it isn't truthful.

It's worth keeping your own personal record of what did and didn't happen in relation to the PIP. If you are fired for not meeting targets set in the PIP and this manager did not fulfil their obligations, then you may be able address this legally (depending on the laws in your country, I am sure in the US or UK you could!). So you having your own record of what happened could end up being important and those notes/records are better taken now while you have access to the information and details. Make sure you keep a copy of this information at home.

Good luck!

slpenney's picture

Make sure you take home your contact information!



maura's picture
Training Badge

What ended up happening on Friday?  How did the meeting go?

ThisGuy's picture

I was fired on Friday. [Thank you manager tools for putting this in perspective!] He called me to HR and stayer for about 2 minutes. I stopped him when he was leaving to shake his hand.


The meeting on Tuesday went fine. He commented on how my attitude had improved and how I had met most of, and the intent of, the PIP. But he was not sure if I could be "strategic." The 30 minute meeting turned into a 90 minute meeting. I gained valuable insight into his thought process; too bad I did not obtain this information sooner.


I have received many kind emails, texts, and phone calls, from my colleagues since then. I have already started my job search and am making the most of my time home: taking my kids to school, meeting my brother for a bible study in the middle of a work day, going for a run with my wife. I am ready to work hard at a new company, but in the mean time, I will take advantage of the time I have with the most important people to me.

mattpalmer's picture

Sorry to hear you got the chop, thisguy, but it sounds like you're not taking it the wrong way, and are making the best of the situation.  Kudos to you, and I hope you find a new, more awesome, position real soon.