
I love questions.  I like answering them, hearing them, discusing them and asking them.  Not everyone else likes them.  We all draw conclusions from them and when it comes to other people it would be great to understand as soon as possible who likes them who doesn't and how to respond.  I think this would be a good podcast.  My guess is the answer could be derived from the DISC profiles.  Does anyone have any comments / suggestions?

Kevin1's picture

Hi Jackson,

It is a pretty broad topic.  My initial thoughts are that there is a time and place for the right type of questions.  Questions show curiosity, interest and engagement.  A lack of questions can indicate the opposite, but you need to be careful you aren't reading too much into that because the person may just be quiet, or still processing what they have heard.

Being open to receiving questions is also important as to not be so can come across as dictatorial - again with the caveat that there is a time and a place for questions.  One should be embracing questions during the decision making process to help make better decisions.  Once the decision is made, the right type of questions become more operational.  After the decision is made, is not the time to be questioning the decision.

High D's might also find too many questions as distracting and delaying action, whereas High I's might be happy shooting the breeze all afternoon.  A high S might want to discuss questions that revolve around people's feelings, while a High C might never be satisfied that they have enough answers to their detailed questions.  Line up totally different behaviour types and their individual enjoyment of a question situation may vary a lot.

I'm not sure what context you had in mind and maybe I've completely missed your context with this response.  Hope I've helped a little bit.


Jackson's picture

I'm open to feedback. The most devisive word used to describe my questions was "interrogating". It could be cultural because I don't think I heard this before I moved to Hawaii. When there are cultural and language bridges I believe questions are expected.