
Hello MT Community --

What is the proper way to note on a resume that the companies listed are subsidiaries of one larger company?  That is, over 7 years, I changed roles 3 times, with each change moving to a different company/division.  My concern is that listing the individual companies makes it look like I'm job hunting, and putting the parent company name is misleading.

One recruiter that I spoke with suggested adding a line above those three roles indicating the parent company name and the years of services with no other verbiage.  (He also suggested that for companies where there were multiple roles -- same company different jobs.)  Of course, he also suggested an objective statement, summary and a second page, so the rest of the advice was questionable, at best...

Thank you so much for your input!


jrosenau's picture

I worked for a division of a company that few people in my area knew, but the main company everyone knew, so I listed:

DSSI, a div. of Direct Supply.

Would something similar work here?

ABC, a div. of DEF

GHI, a div.  of DEF

 JKL, a div. of DEF

That way, people will see it was a larger company that you moved around in but is also specific about the company for follow-up purposes.
