
Hello Everyone,

My supervisor is asking for an email detailing my accomplishments etc. so that he can make a case in front of his boss for me. I will put all the details. But just wanted to see if anyone can share some great opening and end lines of the email to leave a favorable impression.



markbyantaylor's picture

Number 1 will be the list of accomplishments (listen to the Your Resume Sucks Podcast if you haven't already).

Opener, express thanks for the oppertuntity to work for the company, how you enjoy it, how much you've grown - sounds a little suck-up - but it comes back that enthusiasim.

Ender - what do you plan to do in the future?  You accomplishments show what you have done over that last quarter/ year - so what are you going to do next quarter/ year.  Maybe there is some exciting change coming to the company that you want to be involved in, maybe it's talking about some personal development that you want to embarke on.  This shouldn't just be focused on getting more money, but also more oppertunity/ growth/ etc.

Note that it might not get through to your bosses boss but it certainly can't hurt.

Good luck
