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Submitted by mike_bruns_99 on


Hi Mark & Mike,

Just want to thank you for all of your advice.  I've been a subscriber since the beginning.  I've had Wendii review my resume.   Taking action based upon the podcasts has made me far more effective in my career. 

I recently bought a very small family business with 8 employees.  Most of the advice works perfectly in my business.  Feedback, One-on-Ones, Coaching, there is no difference between my actions in my business and that of a Director in a Fortune 500 business.


Where you can, add content that addresses small businesses.  For example,  I don't have the luxury of an HR department.  (I can't believe I really said that)   In between strategy, sales, and running the business, I am the HR department.   I don't know all of the laws, but I have to deal with HR issues.  I determine the strategy of the company, determine who to hire and fire, and empty the trash every weekend.    Some of your advice is directed at a large business, but doesn't relate well to a small business. 


As you are writing the podcasts, please take a minute to think about how the topic applies to a very small business. 
