

Where does relevant volunteer activity fit in the CV? For example, volunteering with a professional society in your industry? 

Does it fit into the reverse chronology, based on when the volunteer activity started? Or at the bottom, in a separate section of its own to make it clear it is different from the main, paid activity presented in reverse chronological order?

I've taken another look at the Manager Tools sample CV, but it has no professionally relevant volunteer experience.

I would be grateful if someone can comment please.


wendii's picture
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Hi Tony,

the reason we don't include volunteer work, is that for 98% of people it isn't relevant to their profession. If you listen to our recent Career Tools cast on Community Relationships, there is a longer explanation - but the short of it is, that hiring managers want to know what you can do for them, in terms of results within your role, not what you might want to tell them about what a 'well-rounded' person you are.

The only exceptions to this are a) college graduates with less than 5 years in their industry (see Resumes for Graduates) and those who have or want a professional career in the voluntary sector.
