I struggled and procrastinated with putting my resume together because my current job position was a made up position "to bring me onto the team" and had no real description, metrics or buy-in from the team. Therefore, I felt like I didn't have a lot to show for the last year of work. I finally sat down and started brainstorming accomplishments. They weren't great, but they weren't horrible. They definitely were not up to the caliber of my previous accomplishments. That in turn, pushed/prodded me into finding wins & results within my network...that I had been building. Several weeks ago, a position opened at another division and I approached my boss about approving an inter-company transfer. With the MT coached resume in hand, I sat down and laid out the job and my skills. When he looked at my resume, his response was..."WOW! This is REALLY impressive!" I was floored. 48 hours later, I submitted my resume for the position. Within 1 hour I had a phone call requesting an interview the following day. When I arrived on site, the HR manager, whom I've known for over a year, came to see me and said, "I wanted to come out and say hi. I saw your resume. WOW! When I saw your resume, I knew we had to talk to you." The next day I was called to our VP's office for a conversation. He began asking me questions that were specifically related to some of the accomplishments on my resume. As we wrapped up our conversation, he asked me to put together a proposal for a new position that would leverage my background and experience.

Alan Roper