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Submitted by BrianT on


 BLUF:  What is a polite, professional way of asking my manager, "WTH is going on?"  [And yes, I know not to simply ask him "WTH."  ]

Longer version...  I'm remote from my manager (a VP) and all of my peers.  I have good relationships with my peers (who all report to other VP's), and have regular 1o1's with several.  

Two peers recently shared news with me.  One will be reporting to a different VP - in a different country.  This will be a pretty big change in the organization.  He hopes there will be an org announcement, but isn't aware of one yet.  Another peer told me he was asked to submit a plan to reduce his headcount.  This will likely lead to some layoffs.  

I haven't received any guidance like what my peers received.  And the changes they're experiencing will have an impact on my team and our deliverables.  

How do I let my manager know that I'm aware of these things - or should I?  And how do I ask if there are any other changes that I need to be aware of?  

Thanks.  I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this.   

acao162's picture

If you have a good working relationship, just ask.  Something like - Joe & Martha shared plans about changes in their departments.  Perhaps they were early in sharing but they wanted to give me a heads-up as these changes will impact our productivity/deliverables/efficiency (whatever).  Can we talk about how you see us moving forward with this new structure? 

Focus on the org, not you.  Focus on the changes that affect you, not "where's my change info".  If you know, I believe you have a duty to make plans and get your manager on board. Get in front of the change and get on with the work.  It could easily be that no one has considered the impact of these changes on you so therefore didn't think to discuss it with you. 

If there is more information to share, you've given your manager a chance to share.  There is nothing wrong with asking "what's next".  I think it is professional to ask.  Not demand, but ask.



bonwelliii's picture
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Briant - a very timely question, thank you. I faced a variant of the same question, and turned to MT and the forums for guidance. Is it possible your manager does not yet know about the changes?

Acao162 - sage advice to focus on the organization.

I used that approach this morning to address a similar glaring silence, and it reframed a potentially uncomfortable conversation with my manager into a pleasant and effective meeting.

Thank you all!

derosier's picture
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 Especially if you work remote, not being told may simply be an oversight and nothing else at all. To echo the other responses, assuming you have a good relationship, just ask.

BrianT's picture
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Thanks everyone for the feedback.  When I composed my inquiry, I was still feeling some surprise at of these decisions.  I did discuss it with my boss (I do have a good relationship with him).  I described the risk that this creates for our team's commitments.  He didn't know any more than me.  Said he appreciated the heads-up on the risk, and would speak to his peer about it.  

I agree with the earlier comment (and for me, this is the main takeaway)...  Make the conversation about the organization and impacts to our commitments - not about me or other people.  

Thanks all.