
Please forgive what may seem a naiive question but I would pose this to HR and/or hiring managers:

Do companies usually phone references and do background checks on ALL finalists or only the one at the top of the list?

This is a fairly small, regional company, so I think we are talking only about 4-6 people in HR total.  They were very vague when I tried to inquire about how many finalists were left in the mix.

I've had great interviews with the hiring mgr, division president, and finally the HR VP.  I briefed my refs and told them they may be getting called.  Now I hear that they are being called. 

Is it standard to do checks on top 3 candidates? only the top candidate?

I would like to hear from HR folks on this side of the process. Thanks!

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

As MD says, it makes sense to only check references on the candidates you want to hire, but it's not always the case. Sometimes references are run on all candidates so that when you get as far as offering the candidates are already referenced and can start more quickly.

Just because you are being referenced, doesn't mean you are going to offered - stay in the game!


jamadd's picture

I guess I was the only one---or perhaps my references just did an outstanding job of selling me! Will be meeting one for lunch Fri and I have msgs in w the others.  Cannot overstate how much the MT podcasts (esp interview series) and these forums have enriched me the last 12 mo.  Thanks Wendii, M and M


headin to Raleigh

rgbiv99's picture

Love to see success stories. : )


jhack's picture


John Hack