
My boss has a standing meeting at 9:30 every M-W-F with all his directs.

However, if his 9:00 meeting lets out early, he always wants to start his 9:30 right away instead of waiting until 9:30. Usually he walks around and collects people, and calls me (because my office is as far away from the conference room as you can get on the same floor).

My alert went off at 9:25, I went to the conference room (seeing on the way that some of the people who attend the 9:00 are out), and when I got there the door was shut.

My passive-aggressive moment was thinking "I don't feel like barging in after it's already started, if he wanted me he should have called me," and turning and walking away. (FYI, people barge in late all the time, especially when the meeting started early)

Now I find myself worrying that I'll be in trouble, and I have no excuse of course.

But it'll probably be OK. But I'm still a little worried.

Don't really have a question here. Just needed a place to vent. Thanks. :)

mmann's picture
Licensee Badge

I'm intrigued that none of your peers help you out by calling or sending a text message.  Were I in your shoes I'd let go of the anger toward my boss and take a few peers to lunch and ask them to give you a heads up if the meeting's starting early.



terrih's picture

It turned out I had a text from a peer saying "meeting now," but I wasn't near my phone when it beeped, so I didn't notice it til later.

On Wednesday, there was actually an email from my boss's admin saying "The 9:30 will be at 9:10"--LOL!