
I have been listening to the Effective Meeting casts for the first time.  I thought I had before but they feel new.

As I am going to a new department in a few weeks, one of the first things I have been told is that you get the lay of the land for the first 3-6 months.  And avoid changing things or implementing new things during this time.


O3s don't count as a new thing.  Does changing how people run meetings in your area (assuming they do it differently to the MT way) also fall under not really a "change" and something you implement from the get go?




jhack's picture

If it's your meeting, you can run it with crisp agendas, on time, with ground rules.  That's not really a "change," it's just how you run a meeting.   

Your directs will see how you run meetings.  If they don't adopt your methods, then after you roll out feedback, you can start giving them feedback on how they run their meetings.  

Everyone else, you can't control.


Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge

No, it doesn't count as a new thing.

Change meetings right away.

We were referring to change as the CONTENT of the business, rather than the PROCESS of interacting.  (And we weren't clear about it!)

Let us know how it goes.


douglase's picture

Thanks for that.  That was my gut feel on it, and I appreciate having it validated.

