
Hi everyone,

All of my MT podcasts from December 2009 and earlier are missing -- the first 280 shows! Can you help me find a quick way to get them back?

When my ex and I separated there was a lot of computer confusion involving macs, pcs, apple accounts, etc. I lost a ton of iTunes files and have spent countless hours and dollars trying to fix this (i.e., repurchasing music). Only recently did I realize that this seems to have affected my cherished collection of MT podcasts.

I can see all the titles under podcasts in iTunes but when I try to play them they can't be located. When I look in Windows Explorer folders they are not there. Google desktop can't find the files either (just a cached version that can't play).

I know many of the older MT podcasts are available in Career Tools, and for some reason I have all of those -- I probably downloaded them all after Dec. 2009.

How can I get the missing MT podcasts? Is there a list of which MT podcasts are in Career Tools and which ones aren't so I can at least quickly see what I'm missing? Is there a quick way to re-download all MT podcasts? 

I'm starting a new job March 5th and hungrily re-listening to MT. It is helping me so much to listen again!

Thanks so much for any help you can offer.




mauzenne's picture
Admin Role Badge


The easiest way to get all the Manager Tools podcasts is to subscribe to the Members-Only feed in iTunes. This contains ALL the Manager Tools casts. It requires a membership, but you already have that! If you click this link, you should be prompted to add the feed to iTunes: itpc:// Once you've subscribed, go to the Podcasts section within iTunes and use the "Get All" button next to the podcast name to download them all.

ALL the Career Tools casts are in the public Career Tools feed. Assuming you're already subscribed, simply click the "Get All" button to download them all.

Hope that helps!


rthibode's picture

Thanks Mike. Just so I'm clear, you're suggesting that I unsubscribe from those feeds in iTunes, delete all my old MT and CT podcasts, then resubscribe and redownload them all?


mercuryblue's picture
Licensee Badge

 Rachelle, you shouldn't need to delete the ones you have already downloaded. If you're already subscribed, just go in and hit "Get all" and iTunes will add the missing ones only.

If you are subscribed to the normal MT feed, not the Members only one, then keep the Normal one, add the Members only one, but only get the Members only to download up to Dec 2009. Once you have done that, set it to manual update and don't update (or it will add all the new ones - instead the new ones will go into the normal MT feed).

I hope that helps. I had to do this just last week.

jrumple's picture
Licensee BadgeTraining Badge


the problem is in e iTunes library file. If the files on your hard drive were deleted outside of iTunes, then iTunes didn't get a chance to remove them from the library listing. There are tools that can help clean up iTunes for you. It may be worth finding one since this sounds like a widespread problem in your situation. 

You may have to delete the listings in iTunes manually before you can re-download using the Get All button. If you don't have the ! Icon next to the missing files yet, try playing them from a playlist or syncing them to a device. Once you can quickly see the files that are missing delete them from iTunes. The mo3 files are gone, so all you are deleting are the list items in the iTunes library file. You can use Shift+click to select multiple items at a time. 

Ponce you have removed all of the old list items, right click on the podcast heading in your Podcasts Library. From there select Show all available episodes. This will remind iTunes that you don't have the files and are still interested in downloading them. 

Now that the lost files are listed in grey font in the library, you can use the Get All button to start downloading them again. 

Ive been using iTunes on a network attached hard drive. I have to be careful when my computer loses its connection with this hard drive. Between that and some relocations I've lost files and lost links to files, so I've been around this problem before. 

Good luck!


rthibode's picture

Thanks, Jack, it was very kind of you to provide a detailed reply. I do have some long-standing problems with iTunes from way back when I switched computers, so I will look into getting a program to clean it up as you suggested. (I did eventually get my MT problem sorted out with some help from Mike.)


