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Submitted by BoneWSO on



In your 10/16 TITIT you state the following guidance from the WSJ is idiotic.  

“Hand in your resignation letter [with your transition work commitments] in WRITING.”

Which part of this guidance is idiodic?  the resignation letter in writing or the transition commitments?










SteveAnderson's picture
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And you may want to check out this series of casts: How to Resign

The short answer is that once you put your resignation in writing, it reduces your flexibility.  Resignations should be made by notifying your boss privately and then TELL NO ONE ELSE. Not your clients, not your coworkers, not your friends. And before you say spouse/significant other - they ought to know WELL before you make the decision.

The transition part is totally professional and the cast goes into specific detail about what you ought to put together in your last weeks at the organization.

Hope this helps!