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Submitted by rowleymaggs on


Interested with a meetup in South East England / London?

I have read how other groups have thrived on the discussions with fellow MTers. It would be a great way to learn, meet new folk and chat about our trials and triumphs as managers.

I am happy to arrange a suitable time / place.


wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge
attmonk's picture

I'm near Leeds so its quite a way down to you guys, but let me know the venue.
I'm down in Reading on July 13th, 14th & 15th with my daughter, maybe we could arrange something?

adamwhite's picture

I'm in too. Based in the city but can travel. Great idea Rowley!

DCochrane's picture
Training Badge

I am in too. I live in Central London but can travel.


Mark's picture
Admin Role Badge

Maybe not this time, but Mike and/or I will make it over for one with enough notice.


thaGUma's picture

Good idea Rowley. I'm just up the M11 in Cambridge, but can get to London fairly easily during the day. Evening is less easy - Tues and Thurs evenings are out.

It'll be interesting to see how a bunch of reserved brits deal with this...

airax's picture

I'd be up for a London meet! I spend quite a lot of time in London any way.

itilimp's picture
Licensee Badge

Hi Rowley, I'd also be up for a London meetup. It takes me about an hour and a bit to get there from Brighton depending upon where we meet. I can't attend an event between 30th June - 11th July (or 14th July) as I'm abroad. Also, as it isn't easy for me to get time off work right now I'd prefer an evening from about 6:30pm-7pm start.

JohnGMacAskill's picture
Training Badge

I may be in Scotland, but would love to make an MT London meet up. I'm in London often-ish.

Some dates i could attend: 17, 18 and 19th and 25th and 26th of July. I know of another MT-er, Gareth based in London who would be interested, if he is available.

Gareth's picture

I live in the South Wales area, willing to travel.

I'm all over the place as to when I can and can not attend so we will see how this thread goes.


rowleymaggs's picture
Training Badge

Good to know there are a good number of fellow MT'ers in the UK!

Lets shoot for Friday 13th July at the Fire Station near Waterloo Station 630 for 7pm.
149 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8SB. Tel: 020 7620 2226.)

Will you let me know if you can make it or otherwise? Based on numbers I will check into reserving tables etc.

We should be able to arrange subseqent meet-ups in and around London and Home Counties.

I look forward to meeting you all.

attmonk's picture

I'll be there but it may be a flying visit as I'll have my two kids with me. We are on a visit in Reading that weekend, so unless you guys dont mind the company dont reserve me a space at the table. I cant set off until after schools out on Friday so it may be around 7 when I get there. Anyone know what parking is like?
It'll still be cool to meetup and put some faces to names and extend our networks

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

Thanks for organising. I'll be there.


JohnGMacAskill's picture
Training Badge

Can't make that Friday. Wish you well for a fun meet up though. Let us all know how it went and if there is to be a second organised.

DCochrane's picture
Training Badge

I'll be there on 13 July. :D


thaGUma's picture

Apologies Friday evening is family night. Hope all goes well. Chris

mkirk's picture
Licensee Badge

Add one to the list - I know the Firestation and I think parking's 'challenging', as they say.

See you there.

rowleymaggs's picture
Training Badge

I look forward to meeting you on Friday at the Fire Station.

Please bring along a recent situation that would have benefited from affirmative feedback. Ideally the situation is recent and from your work place. Friday is a great opportunity for us to practise feedback in a safe environment. The aim is to practise feedback so it becomes almost second nature.

Private Message me if you need my mobile number or other info.

Mark, Mike,
Your input/guidance is welcomed.

We look forward to hosting you in the UK when the opportunity arises.


Friday 13th July at the Fire Station near Waterloo Station 630 for 7pm.
149 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8SB. Tel: 020 7620 2226.)

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

Hi Rowley,

have you booked a table, or should we all come dressed in MT blue in order to recognise one another?


DCochrane's picture
Training Badge

It's likely to be busy and noisy at the venue on Friday evening, so we'll need an advance solution to the identification issue!


rowleymaggs's picture
Training Badge

I have booked at table at the Fire Station for 630 under Rowley Maggs.

I will probably be wearing a deep red polo shirt and jeans. I have also updated my Avatar image which should make things a little easier.

attmonk's picture


The earliest I can leave home is around 4PM once the kids have finished school, then its a 3 1/2 hour drive to the venue (traffic permitting) which sees me getting there at around 7:30 - 8PM.
I dont want to gatecrash so it may be best if I skip this one. I'll PM my mobile if anyone wants it so you can get in touch and let me know if things are running late.

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

Att... I Pm'd you.


itilimp's picture
Licensee Badge

Sorry I was unable to make it, I hope you all had a great time. How did it go with the feedback model? Any plans for making this a regular, perhaps quarterly event?

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge

Hi Itil

We had fun. It was good to share our different experiences and workplaces. We did a little around the feedback model and tried to work out how we can do something effective without it being to scary, but I'm not sure we came to any conclusion. That might have been coz I was laughing at the time though!

I think we settled on 2nd week in September to do another one, after the holidays. Hopefully more people can join us then.


JohnGMacAskill's picture
Training Badge

Hi Wendii, would love to make the September one if possible. Could you advertise the date as early as possible as I would arrange some meetings around the date.

attmonk's picture

I didnt finally get there, a combination of heavy traffic, heavy rain and roadworks took their toll.
I would like to say a big thanks to Rowley and Wendii for the calls, and to whoever else was there.
I got a call from Rowley in The Fire Station to see how I was progressing and once I confirmed I couldnt get there I was put "around the table" to say hi to everyone. Well with all the noise in the restaraunt, and the fact that I was driving at the time, I could hear a dam thing!! However the call did help me to still feel a part of the meeting, however small, so thanks guys.
So Hi to everyone who was there, and I'll try again for the next one. Maybe somewhere next to a train station so we can get there easier? (Thanks Wendii :) )

rowleymaggs's picture
Training Badge

2nd London/SouthEast meet-up advance notice 20 September 2007

630 for 7pm, probably London.

Further arrangements nearer the time once we have confirmed numbers etc.

Look forward to hearing if you can make it.


PS How cool is the Premium content? Already into the interviewing podcasts!

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge
attmonk's picture

I'm struggling for that Thursday, I have a meeting to attend. Any chance of moving it to the Friday?

wendii's picture
Admin Role Badge


we made it midweek as Friday's seemed difficult for people.. maybe I'll make a poll... we'll do that week and the best day for as many people as possible. Is that fair?


attmonk's picture

Sounds fair to me

mkirk's picture
Licensee Badge

Add another one to the list for 20th...

Best Regards